Ch Kaleef's Bold Ruler of Falkrigia CD RN HIC
OFA Good
Ch Kismet's Sight for Sore Eyes TC HIC OFA good ROM |
GV Ch WeLove Duchien's R-Man ROM OFA |
Ch WeLove Duchien's Matthew OFA |
WeLove Langenau's Lucille |
Kismet's Sweetheart Deal ROM OFA |
GV Ch Proven Hill's Banker of Altana TC OFA |
Pinebuck's Myra of Kismet OFA |
Kaleef's Valle, ROM |
Ch Brier Hill's Storm Buddy OFA |
Ch Covy-Tucker-Hill's Storm Brier OFA |
Karizma's Timber of Brier Hill |
Ch HollowHill's Sierra v Cherpa OFA |
Sel Ch Lothario of Heinerburg CD ROM OFA |
Cherpa's Hollowhill's Stejan TT OFA |
Falkrigia's Night
Falkrigia's Quothe The Raven CD BH TC HIC CGC |
Rusty v Estahaus |
V SelCh Dingo v Haus Wurdeman Sch3 |
Ch Ondra v Sendberg |
Falkrigia's Indigo Lace OFA good |
Ch Glenmar's Ambush of Falkrigia CD TC HIC CGC
OFA Excellent |
Van Cleve's Yardley Falkrigia CD CGC ROM OFA Excellent |
Cinder vom Bar Berg SchH1 BH OFA |
V Laser vom Bar Berg KKL 1 SchH3 IP3 OFA GS-44921G24M-T |
V Aik v Haus Cindy SchH3 IPO3 "a" normal (V-BSP) |
SG-Aika v Hause Gerten SchH3 "a" normal 1x USA Nationalse |
Inka von der Briken OFA GS-57059G30F-T |
Eros vom Kosakenwald SchH3 |
Gitta vom Heilborn SchH3 |